I was trying to modify one of my private repository in GitHub and ran into the below error -
After lot of trial and error attempts, I figured out that my Windows 10 PC had stored github user credentials, so it didn't let me clone a private repository which was not accessible to the saved user.
This is how we can clear any saved cache -
After doing that, the error was gone and I was able to clone the repositories.
git clone https://github.com/<user>/DocTest.git
Cloning into 'DocTest'...
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/<user>/DocTest.git/' not found
Cloning into 'DocTest'...
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/<user>/DocTest.git/' not found
After lot of trial and error attempts, I figured out that my Windows 10 PC had stored github user credentials, so it didn't let me clone a private repository which was not accessible to the saved user.
This is how we can clear any saved cache -
- Open Control Panel from the Start Menu
- Select User Accounts
- Select "Manage your credentials" in the left hand menu
- Delete all user credentials related to Git or GitHub
After doing that, the error was gone and I was able to clone the repositories.