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A journey to remember

After my Diwali vacation in India, I was heading back to Helsinki by Finnair flight on 21st November to resume my work in Finland.

The weather during the flight was extraordinarly good and for the first three hours we overflew North India and Afghanistan with tremendous views.

Southern Afghanistan North India from 35ooo feet

Arriving at Helsinki, outside temperature was at -3 degrees – a hefty change from the 28 degrees in Delhi – and it was snowing heavily.

I thought of taking a yellow taxi from airport, but that didn't arrive even after waiting for 15 min. I was too tired to wait anymore, so just boarded a Finnair shuttle to city center. Though, my home is walkable distance from there, but the snow, chilled wind and my luggage made me queueing at the taxi stand and finally I reached home at around 4 pm.

Welcome back to home !


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