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Visualizing python project dependencies

When you install python packages using pip, it remembers the dependency tree of installed packages. Together with Graphviz, pipdeptree can generate a nice visualization of python project dependencies.

What is even better is – It allows to save the output in a user friendly format such as jpeg, png or pdf.

How to use it on Windows 10 PC

  • Download Graphviz from this link
  • Add below to PATH environment variable (Update the installed graphviz version if needed)     
       C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin 
       C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe
  • Close any open command prompt, restart it and navigate to your python project folder. e.g.,      
          cd C:\Projects\GitHub\Installer_Bootstrapper
  • Install ‘pipdeptree’ and ‘graphviz’ python libraries   
       pip install pipdeptree
       pip install graphviz
  • Now you can start testing 'pipdeptree'
    • View dependency tree of all installed packages 
    • View dependency tree of a particular packages - django
          pipdeptree -p django
    • View reverse dependency tree 
                 pipdeptree -r

  • Now, let’s visualize it as jpeg image using GraphViz 
        pipdeptree --graph-output jpeg > out.jpeg
         or, render dependency graph as a pdf file 

        pipdeptree --graph-output pdf > out.pdf
This is how the generated image looked like 🙌🙌


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